Monday, September 24, 2007

J-425 In Class Exercise

How much does it cost to run for mayor of Spokane? More than one would probably expect.
Campaign finance totals were released this morning for the Spokane mayoral race, and more than $250,000 has been spent between the three candidates on their respective campaigns, according to the Washington Public Disclosure Commission's website.
Incumbent Dennis P. Hession has raised $157,895.89 and has thus far spent $$146,190.83, while his main opponent, Mary B. Verner has spent $$49,634.54 of the $51,864.02 she has raised to this point.
Alfred G. French II, who was eliminated in the Aug. 21 primary, had spent $54,654.52 of the $55,112.75 he had raised.
The bulk of Hession's support has come from utilities, capital companies and construction companies, while much of Verner's financial backing has come from several area tribes and private citizens.

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