Monday, November 5, 2007

475 Response

This piece is pretty depressing. The idea of the evening news always appealed to me.

It disturbed me to hear the man considering news to be a "franchise." It also implies to the hard news is a burden on a NEWS PROGRAM. That smacks of irresponsibility to me.

The instant gratification idea is irresponsible. I know it's the future, but it bodes ill for the future of our field.

When he says that "journalists aren't going to follow the traditional path," he means that they're going to be untrained sensationalists. Case in point was the Rocket Boom guy. "I never was interested in being a journalist."

And the citizen media guy that they said was blurring the line between journalism and activism is totally wrong. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE NEUTRAL AND JUST REPORT! You don't get to interject your opinion on news you're reporting.

A lot of this is just sickening to me, the idea of news as a business is disgusting.

And it makes me mad to think that the way I've been trained to do journalism my whole life, what I've paid a good deal of money for, is already becoming obsolete before I even enter the field.

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